Situated around 5 km from the Leh Airport, Spituk Monastery is located in the similarly-named village. An alternate route takes you there but is slightly more far away, that is 8 kilometers from Leh City center.

Gustor, The Spituk Festival

This two day spiritual festival organized on 17th and 19th day of 11th Month of the Buddhist calendar with elaborate dance rituals performed with great fervor. The local populace takes active part and is joined by monks and students staying in the monastery.

Spituk Monastery itself stands at a considerable elevation and the mighty Indus River flows alongside. The views atop the hill are fabulous and provide a bird’s eye view of the entire valley.

Tourists need to climb quite a bit and it is better to confirm whether the monastery is open or not because many a times it remains closed for renovation. Else the traveler may reach the summit huffing and puffing only to find the doors closed.